Wine Details
$12.00 per bottle
Emille sayz ee apologizes for dreenking awl zee wine, but eet tasted so good like zee sweet neck tare of zee floware een spreeng time, and ee cannot elp eet to ogle yer girl frawnd ee zair, for she eez like zee floware too, no? Haw haw!
Varietal Definition
Blanc du Bois:
Developed at the University of Florida for use in that state, this white wine-producing grape with a flavor similar to Muscat has had medal-winning success for somewhat Riesling-like varietal still wine and blends of sparkling wine. Developed by John Mortenson of the Leesburg Research Station, it is the result of a cross between a Florida-developed hybrid (thought by some to be a V. aestivalis complex derivative) and the Cardinal table grape. Fertile, productive and hearty, it ripens in early July in Florida. A coldy hardy varietal,it is also resistant to Pierce's disease, but appears particularly vulnerable to Anthracnose and Black Rot.