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Strawberry Wine Details
Price: $7.50 per bottle

Description: A semi-sweet wine with an aroma delicately reminiscent of the Arkansas strawberries from which it was made.


Kathy Kirk says...
I love this wine; I was first attracted to it because the first bottle I bought at a local Walmart store had ARKANSAS on the label. . I have not been able to find that since. . this is a great wine and it is made in ARKANSAS; capitalize on that. Seriously, I think it would fly off the shelves much faster than it is already. This is ARKANSAS. the wine is strawberry red. . a perfect wine for a Razorback game. Not everybody enjoys beer at the RAZORBACK games; but there a LOT OF RAZORBACK FANS. . RED WINE, STRAWBERRY COLORED. . PERFECT TO ADD TO THE MANY RAZORBACK EVENTS. Just a Thought! Kathy Kirk

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