Wine Details
$28.00 per bottle
Rich and full, our seventh release of Bethlehem Valley Norton is complex with softer flavors of toast, bourbon and all spice while leaving a nice balance of small berry fruits such as currant and black raspberry. Our Norton is an excellent food wine for more gourmet adventures. Mount Pleasant’s Missouri Governor’s Cup winning Norton came from this harvest from our 3-acre Norton vineyard. We are currently awaiting our Wine Spectator rating. This wine should age for the next five years.
Varietal Definition
Known to be identical to the Norton grape.This american hybrid grape is found mainly in the warmer regions of the southeast U.S. Taste and aroma characteristics of the light red wine are said to include coffee and spicy flavors.
In 1835, Dr. Daniel Norton of Virginia developed this grape varietal that was originally known as the Virginia Seedling. Widely planted in the Midwest (where it is sometimes called Cynthiana), it has become a source of interest to East Coast vintners in recent years. It produces a dark, inky wine with flavors of plums and cherries. Horton Vineyards in Virginia is particularly interested in reviving the grape's reputation. In the South, look for Norton (or Cynthiana) from Moonrise Bay, Mountain Valley, Three Sisters, Tiger Mountain and Tennessee Valley.