Wine Details
A semi-dry red from a blend of Baco Noir and Villard Noir
Varietal Definition
Baco Noir:
BA french-american hybrid grape used to make an intense red wine regarded by some as a good substitute for Cabernet Sauvignon . Capable of aging, its origins trace to the Folle Blanche and a native American strain of grape. Extensively grown in the cool northern regions of N. America.
Villard Noir:
Has synonym technical designation Seyve-Villard 18-315. Variety is derived from a Seibel 7053 x Seyve Villard 12-375 cross, the latter variety having the popular name Villard Blanc listed. Still commonly grown in France for use as a winegrape where it ripens late mid-season and is a fungus disease resistant heavy producer.